News & Blogs
From tech to table: Enactor’s Unified Commerce reshapes Hospitality
Enactor brings a Unified Commerce approach to Hospitality In retail and hospitality, the need for seamless and integrated solutions has never been more critical. Enactor has emerged as a game-changer with its comprehensive Next-Generation Unified Commerce platform that is tailored for both retail and hospitality industries. This platform goes beyond traditional Point of Sale
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The top 3 challenges modern retailers face
The common challenges modern retailers face and how to overcome them The rapid growth of technology and the availability of various shopping options for customers has
Enactor pays tribute to Alan Turing
Enactor is proud to support The Alan Turing Programme at King’s College Cambridge. On the 23rd of June 1912, English mathematician and computer scientist Alan
An introduction to MACH, the MACH Alliance and its importance for retailers
An introduction to MACH, the MACH Alliance and its importance for retailers. Let’s put this into simple terms. Change is constant