Enactor Next-Generation POS

The Next-Generation Store System Uprising is here

Most large retailers are still running store software that originates from the 1990s. Sound familiar? We love the 90s… but it shouldn’t be running your stores in 2024.

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What the Next-Generation Delivers

Enactor POS running on different devices

Omnichannel at its Core

Composable Commerce

Continual Innovation and Speed of Change

International & Fiscal 

What the Next-Generation Delivers

Enactor POS running on different devices

Omnichannel from the Core

Cloud-Native & Cross Platform

Continual Innovation and Speed of Change

International & Fiscal Ready

The Next-Generation Functionality

Inherently Unified Commerce

Endless Aisle


Order Management

Click and Collect

Shared Basket

Single View of Customer

Deploy Anywhere Across all Platforms from a Single Codebase

Fully Offline Resilient


Web/Browser Option

Cross Platform

Everything you Need to Run your Checkout and Operations

Real-time Inventory

Role & Privileges

Automatic Promotions

Cash Management

Gift-Card & Loyalty


The Next-Generation Functionality

Inherently Unified Commerce

Endless Aisle


Order Management

Click and Collect

Shared Basket

Single View of Customer

Deploy Anywhere Across all Platforms from a Single Codebase

Fully Offline Resilient


Web/Browser Option

Cross Platform

Everything you Need to Run your Checkout and Operations

Real-time Inventory

Role & Privileges

Automatic Promotions

Cash Management

Gift-Card & Loyalty


Enactor Toolkit

Next-Generation Architecture

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Flow-Based & Tooling Rapid Development & Integration

Monolithic systems make changes extremely difficult. The heavy lifting of raw code and bolting a lot of applications are not required with a microservice infrastructure. All Enactor applications are built with a reusable, flow-based, low-code architecture which facilitates faster developments as simple as a drag-and-drop process.

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Headless Commerce Microservices Single Transaction Engine

We take Headless to the next-level. You can get complete control of the POS UI so your Web Developers can integrate their own Apps, JavaScript Components and Services with the POS front-end. Plus our modern API-Driven POS can be easily integrate to all those amazing services you are using in your Web World.

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Headless & API-Driven POS Your Web Devs can control the Front-end

Enactor’s Headless Commerce fills the gap between online and offline, facilitating a connected digital journey via our Headless Microservices. This helps to perform customisation and personalisation without affecting each component, enabling you to keep up with the innovation, make rapid changes and move faster with consumer demands.

Enactor's hyper flexible next-generation platform

Enactor is the hyper-flexible Next-Generation POS Platform needed to keep stores evolving in today’s digitally connected world.

We bring the technologies, tools and applications that retailers need for implementing change rapidly and delivering on all the digitally-led customer journeys that are critical for the decade to come.

The Hyper-Flexible
Next-Generation Platform

Enactor's hyper flexible next-generation platform

Enactor is the hyper-flexible Next-Generation POS Platform needed to keep stores relevant in today’s digitally connected world.

We bring the technologies, tools and applications that retailers need for implementing change rapidly and delivering on all the digitally-led customer journeys that are critical for the decade to come.

Enactor is the hyper-flexible Next-Generation Platform needed to keep stores relevant in today’s digitally connected world.

We bring the technologies, tools and applications that Retailers need for implementing change rapidly and delivering on all the digitally-led customer journeys that are critical for the decade to come.

Next-Generation Platform


Enactor Fiscalisation

Enactor fiscal-ready platform

Enactor completes Fiscalisation for France

Enactor completes Fiscalisation for France

Watch: Next-Generation POS Video
Check out this video and you’ll see that with Enactor you can:

Watch: Toolkit Architecture Video
Check out this video and you’ll see that with Enactor you can:

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Make changes by Dragging & Dropping

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Re-use granular Components from our libraries

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Re-use granular Components from our libraries

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Easily own and customise the Enactor Applications and Microservices

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Extend Enactor yourselves and still stay on our Product Roadmap

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Make changes by Dragging & Dropping

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Easily own and customise the Enactor Applications and Microservices

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Re-use granular Components from our libraries

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Extend Enactor yourselves and still stay on our Product Roadmap

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Make changes by Dragging & Dropping

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Easily own and customise the Enactor Applications and Microservices

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Easily own and customise the Enactor Applications and Microservices

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Extend Enactor yourselves and still stay on our Product Roadmap

Smash your sales records this year. Get in touch with our team.