Videos and Infosheets

Sit back and watch our videos,
or read our PDFs

Enactor Self Checkout, a versatile platform for retailers, operates independently or integrates with Enactor
POS and legacy systems, providing consistent omnichannel benefits.

Our Videos

Introducing Enactor OMS

See how the Enactor OMS enables omnichannel customer experiences using microservices.

Customer Journey

Discover how Enactor seamlessly connects customer journeys across all channels.

The Enactor Toolkit

Check out the Enactor Toolkit in action and how it can deliver freedom for retailers.

Enactor in Retail

See how Enactor delivers omnichannel retail experiences for consumers.

Enactor Global POS

For retailers who have been hurt by their legacy Store Systems and want to adopt the Next-Gen.

Headless Commerce

Are you hearing all about Headless Commerce? See how Enactor has been practicing it for years.

Enactor Hospitality

Witness the Next-Gen Platform for Hospitality chains that want to truly engage with their customers.


Industry Report 2023-24

Learn all about The Retail Software Systems Industry Report 2023-24.


The Enactor Playbook

Discover everything about Enactor in an easy-to-digest Q&A format.


For Large & Global Retailers

Enactor is a disruptive solution in Enterprise and Unified Commerce.



Perfectly Designed
for Omnichannel

See how Enactor enables
complex customer journeys
across devices and channels.


The Benefits of
Headless Commerce

Headless about Headless? Unlock powerful capabilities that deliver exceptional customer experiences.


Unified Commerce with Headless Commerce

Unified Commerce?
Not a problem with Enactor’s Next-Generation technologies.


The Way Forward for Retail and Unified Commerce

You have hundreds of stores and have to meet customer demands. Where do you start?


Introducing the Enactor Order Management System

An introduction to Enactor OMS; link all channels and stores with distributed order management.


International Retail

Enactor Innovations –
Retail Flexibility

See how Enactor’s innovations provide significant benefit for the retailer and consumer.


We are always looking for companies to team up with and bring innovation to Retailers.