News & Blogs
Raising the bar on Payment Security: Enactor’s infrastructure upgrade and comprehensive penetration testing
Ensuring payment security: Enactor's infrastructure payment systems upgrade and penetration testing At Enactor, we are committed to fortifying the backbone of our payment systems to ensure robustness and security. Our current position revolves around a proactive approach to system upgrades and meticulous testing to uphold the highest standards in the industry. What's
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From the Great Resignation to Quiet Quitting: How retail tech can help
From the Great Resignation to Quiet Quitting: How retail tech can help. The Great Resignation, the Big Quit, and the Great Reshuffle are
Enactor expands and opens new R&D branch in Asia
Enactor expands and opens new R&D branch in Asia As a result of the continued growth and development of Enactor over the
Announcing Enactor 2.7 Release Candidate 1
Announcing Enactor 2.7 Release Candidate 1 As part of our mission to consistently develop and deliver a high-quality product, we’ve been working